
When is Fast, Fast Enough? Siklu’s EH-8010FX Delivers 10Gbps Full Duplex in the Race to a Gigabit World

There was a time when my ISDN connection had all the throughput I needed. Two voice plus data got me 144kbps, well fast enough for my email and web browsing. Fast forward to Netlfix shifting to a stre

There was a time when my ISDN connection had all the throughput I needed. Two voice plus data got me 144kbps, well fast enough for my email and web browsing. Fast forward to Netlfix shifting to a streaming model in early 2007, now my 5Mbps DSL line is starting to see some workload. Shift forward another six years - 1080p HD streaming is now available and 50Mbps is the minimum connection needed to support not just one HD stream, but with tablets, PCs and smart phones it is not uncommon for a single household to have 3 or more streams active at any one time.

It is now 2018, and between 4K TV, Virtual Reality, high performance gaming and a bevy of applications still in the dream stage, your 50 Mbps connection doesn’t seem so blazingly fast. In 2018 the race is on to deliver gigabit connections to each and every household. In many places such as Korea or Japan with advanced telecommunication infrastructure and dense housing, this type of service is already available. Elsewhere gigabit connectivity is spotty, as noted in this report.

Gigabit performance in the last mile portion of a network means the backhaul portion will have to scale proportionally. With the gigabit revolution in consumer’s mind set driving forward, wireless solutions of 10Gbps full duplex are rapidly becoming the norm. These high capacity links provide sufficient backhaul for many residential deployments, but they also serve as the last mile for those needing multi gigabit dedicated connections - customers such as MDUs or enterprises where 10Gbps is now a common requirement.

In wireless while capacity is the main driver, range is also a key component of an acceptable solution.  Siklu serves this mission critical high capacity market with its recently launched EtherHual™ 8010FX. This carrier class product delivers 10Gbps FD farther and more reliably than any competing solution on the market. Carriers are using this product to extend their fiber plant where economics prohibit trenching new fiber, or in many cases become the primary network by itself.

Going forward as the market’s need for speed increases as it always does, Siklu will be there leading the way with the longest range, most reliable connections as we introduce 20Gbps systems and more down the road.

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